Game Development
Game Development is the process of creating games and describes the design, development and release of a game. In other words, to develop a game, you need to design the gameplay, create the visuals and audios, code the game and test it.
The game development process can be broken down into three main stages.
- Pre-Production is where the scope of the game is determined, from the genre, story, and characters to the core gameplay and mechanics.
- Production is where the concepts are executed to actually make the game itself. Developers and programmers will work together testing and debugging to create the final release of the game.
- Post-Production is after the game has been released to the public. The purpose of this stage is game maintenance, which includes fixing bugs or releasing new patches or bonus content.
Game Development encompasses both game design and game development and can be undertaken by a large development studio or by a single individual.
Game Design vs Game Development
Game design and game development are two different terms and are often used interchangeably.
Game Design involves deciding the concept and rules for the game. Designers determine how the game will play, who the main characters are, concept art, what the target audience is, and other ‘planning’ stage decisions.
Game Development involves bringing the ideas to life. Developers write lines of code to make the main character move and act in a way that match the design.
For many studios, especially smaller studios, team members wear multiple hats and cover the responsibilities for both game design and development. At larger companies, however, design and development are often handled separately.
Roles of Game Development
A game developer could be a designer, an artist, sound designer, programmer or many other roles available in the industry. Following are a few roles in game development:
Game Designer creates the main concepts, storyline and general feel or mood of the game.
Artist/Graphic Designer creates the backgrounds, characters and objects in the game, integrating them into a cohesive animated world.
Sound Designer is responsible for the music and sound effects in the game.
Programmer develop the code to program everything from the graphics, sounds, movement of objects, and everything in between.
Once the preliminary game is made, it will then be passed on to game testers who will test its performance and entertainment.
There are many more areas of specialization when it comes to game development with different skill requirements, but in general you will need:
- Strong math, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
- Good communication skills.
- Knowledge of at least one or more programming languages, such as C#.
- Experience with a game engine, such as Unity.
You can use the term “game developer” for anybody that makes games, no matter what their specific job is on the game team.
Depending on the game and the studio undertaking the project, this process can take anything from a few weeks to over a decade. It can involve thousands of designers, artists, programmers, writers, and testers, or be carried out by a single developer.
Whether you’re a beginner or advanced programmer our articles, tutorials, courses and gaming resources will enhance your knowledge and provide the skills you need to become a game developer.
UbGames has several categories that cover different parts of developing games in C# and Unity.
You can choose from the following categories; C#Game Development, Unity Game Development, and Indie Game Development to learn about game development.
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